We do not present the reference of every accepted paper in order to present a clear reporting of the results. After the selection phase, 1693 studies were accepted for the information extraction phase. In this phase, information about each study was extracted mainly...
Restaurant Chatbots Your Customers Will Love It! plus 8 Ways It Enhances Customer Experience
The business placed many images on the chat window to enhance the customer experience and encourage the visitor to visit or order from the restaurant. These include their restaurant address, hotline number, rates, and reservations amongst others to ensure the visitor...
How Restaurants Use AI Driven Chatbots To Improve Margins and Customer Experiences
They allow you to group several blocks – a part of the flow – into a single brick. This way, you can keep your chatbot conversation flow clean, organized, and easy to manage. With no human intervention, you have a better system to take reviews and feedback of...
A Transformer Chatbot Tutorial with TensorFlow 2 0 The TensorFlow Blog
We’ll be using WordNet to build up a dictionary of synonyms to our keywords. This will help us expand our list of keywords without manually having to introduce every possible word a user could use. Apart from the applications above, there are several other areas where...